Your Clutter is Clouding Your Thinking

Is your clutter clouding your thinking? This may seem a bit of an odd question to be asking you, but so many people’s mind are bogged down with external junk leaving them stuck with a lack of clarity. If this sounds like you, read on.
Today I’m gonna share a bit of a personal story with you about my own experience with de-cluttering. So here goes…
Being neat and tidy is NOT something that comes natural to me, for as long as I can remember my messiness has been a source of stress for those around me. Mum says I turned her grey, my husband says I made him go bald!! I’d have moments when I’d really have a go and neaten it all up, but before too long I’d be back to where I started – surrounded with crap, feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to even begin tidying things up.
At the end of 2011 I discovered feng shui and became totally obsessed with it. I devoured everything I could find from Kenneth Lauher and a number of other experts in the field. I even went to the extent of getting a compass, drawing out my entire house layout and then doing my best to align each room with it’s corresponding elements and what they represented. My husband thought I was nuts! But, what I found was that with this mass de-cluttering, in the following 12 months I experienced massive shifts in my mindset, clarity and financial well-being. At the time, I truly didn’t put two and two together, but hey, sometimes I need things spelt out for me!!
The interesting thing here, was that these areas that I cleared have never reverted to their former cluttered selves!
Fast forward to early 2015, I’d gone through a particularly shit patch career wise and felt really lost and frustrated and certain about nothing other than the fact that I’d put my ladder against the wrong place to climb. All I knew was there was a voice in the back of my mind saying “you need to make a difference in this world”. Hmmm, bit of a broad statement there Universe, how am I going to make a difference, I mean seriously, who am I???
So I took a week off work and felt compelled to hire a big bin from one of those companies that comes and takes away all your paperwork and securely destroys it. When I got the intuition to do this, my logic kept saying “Why? You’ll be lucky to fill even a quarter of it”.
Note to self – ignore logic!
Well I filled that sucker. All the way to the top! It felt amazing, I had crap in my cupboards from twenty years ago that I’d been lugging around with me from house to house, almost totally oblivious to it’s existence. Most of it had been kept ‘just in case’ I might need it one day. I’ve never needed it. When I put the padlock on that bin, with the only key taped securely inside its lid, knowing that even if I wanted to take anything back it was too late, oh my god, it felt as if the biggest weight was lifted. Instantly I felt better and had a sense of clarity about what I wanted to do and create in life like I’ve never had before. It was really life-changing.
My creativity and clarity soared to levels I’ve never experienced before!
Now my purpose in sharing all this with you is not to be the clean up police. All I’m wanting you to do is to ask yourself “is your clutter clouding your thinking”? Maybe you could try just de-cluttering a small area in your home. Try tidying up a bedroom or bathroom drawer to start with, then see if you experience the feeling of a weight being lifted after you’ve done this.
The reason this has come up for me in such a big way again is that Ive just finished reading an amazing book by Marie Kondo called “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. Totally recommend this to anyone that has any doubts about the benefits of decluttering! Even though I thought I’d done a great job clearing out my bedroom and walk in robes only six months ago, with inspiration from Marie I’ve managed to fill 7 bags of goods to be re-homed as well as 2 bags with things that need to be permanently retired.
How am I feeling? Amazing!!!
Again, it’s like even more has been lifted and my energy feels so much more alive. So if you’re stuck anywhere at all in life, maybe this is something you could do to try and free up the energy blocks you’re experiencing. If your clutter is clouding your thinking like mine was, you’ll totally notice the difference, and fast! Would love to know how you feel about de-cluttering, so leave a comment below.