How You Can Feel Happier Right Now

If you’ve ever wondered how you can feel happier then you’re definitely not alone. Stop and look at the people around you, listen to the conversations they’re having, watch their body language and their facial expressions. From what I can tell there seems to be a hell of a lot of people on this same quest, and from the results most people are getting it looks like its pretty damn elusive.
Where’s the fucking happiness fairy when you need her??
Sadly, these days she comes armed with a prescription guaranteed to numb your senses and stop you from chasing your far-fetched crazy arse dreams of happiness and bliss. If you’re not interested in that you can always self medicate on food (one of my personal favorites!), alcohol, drugs, gambling, exercise, sex or just wasting your money on shit.
All of these things serve the same purpose – dulling your senses so you stop focusing on how you can feel happier.
If you’re not the self-destructive type, you can always throw yourself headlong into some other project. Become a career woman (tried this), be the perfect stepford wife, create the world’s most perfect body, set a world record or just be that condescending know it all bitch in your circle of friends that has an answer for everything.
Any of these will make you feel like you are doing something to make so you can feel happier, and create some feeling of purpose in your life.
Now I’m not saying that any of these things are good or bad, right or wrong.
They just won’t make you happy.
Anything you try to be, do or have with the sole purpose of trying to make you feel happier is going to at some stage end in tears. If you’re like most people, you’ll just throw yourself headlong into the next empty process, and get stuck right back into trying to find a way to feel happy.
But, you’re just wasting your time.
It’s not all doom and gloom though. Actually it’s the total opposite.
You see now you can stop wasting your time looking for something where it isn’t. You can stop pursuing meaningless activities in desperate hope of feeling good.
There is only one place that happiness is found, and only one person in this world that can bring it to you.
The best and fastest way you can feel happier is to simply choose it!
Whatever situation or circumstances you are facing in life, only you can decide how you will react to them. Absolutely you are going to have some shitty times, and sometimes you might even feel like your entire world is crumbling. But this does not have to impact your baseline for happiness unless you choose to let it.
A great way to give yourself a quick reality check anywhere at any time, is to ask yourself “is everything ok in this moment, right here right now”. If you answer this truthfully, you’ll find that 99% of the time things in that exact moment really are ok.
By stopping your train of thought and getting you out of your own head, this simple exercise can quickly shift you back to your happiness set point and allow you to move forward in your day feeling much stronger and lighter.
Happiness really is a choice, and you can feel happier right now by choosing to!