Why You Fail to Manifest Results

Why manifestation isn't working for you

Have you ever had the experience where you are putting in so much effort to try to manifest a particular outcome and nothing happens? Or even worse, you end up attracting the complete opposite of what you were wanting. I know I have. It can be incredibly frustrating to feel like you are doing everything right yet nothing is working out for you. But, knowing what you know, are you really doing everything right?

Why manifestation isn't working for you

Let me share with you a few lines from Esther & Jerry Hicks wonderful book ‘The Law of Attraction’. “Many have experienced the discomfort of really wanting something and working very hard to try to achieve it, only to continue to hold it away because they were offering thoughts of the lack of it more predominantly than thoughts of the receiving of it. So, over time, they begin to associate the receiving of wanted things with hard work, struggle and disappointment”.

Makes you look at your results from a different perspective doesn’t it? Let’s pull it apart a bit more and see if you can pinpoint where you are making life harder for yourself than it needs to be.

Working Hard to Achieve Results

This is the first place that many people come unstuck when starting to use the law of attraction. They are clear on what they desire and instead of having faith that the universe will deliver and waiting for it to prompt them to take inspired action, they feel like they need to take charge to make things happen. Effortless creation cannot occur when you are trying to control every step of the process. Don’t mistake this to mean that you should just sit around and fantasize about what you want and wait for it to arrive. That is not how it works. Just let go of trying to control all of the finer details and the way your outcome must occur. There is more than one way to achieve the same outcome so let the universe figure out how to deliver.

Thoughts of Lack

How often do you think about why you can’t have what you want, or come up with reasons why it is going to be super hard or require more than you are capable of to get what you want? These thoughts can creep up on you unexpectedly throughout the day and take you off track from where you need to be. When they arise, tell them it’s none of their business and that everything is already taken care of. Lack thoughts left to their own devices can spiral you down into negativity if you make no effort to stop them. Again, the law of attraction is always at work, so let the universe work out how to get you what you want and stop focusing on why it is taking so long (you are the cause), why you don’t already have what you want (you again) and why you working so hard without getting results (yep, that’s your doing too!).

Associating Receiving with Hard Work

After putting so much time and energy into trying to control a situation or thinking about why it hasn’t already manifested, you probably feel like you have been working really hard for nothing. You may even doubt the ability of your subconscious mind to create the success you so badly want. You give up and let go, releasing the reins and stopping your conscious efforts. It is at this point that you often suddenly receive the results you were seeking. Unfortunately, this sudden change in fortune is all too often mistaken in your mind for being a reward for all of your hard work. You falsely believe that the universe has finally recognized how hard you were working and given you what you asked for. This couldn’t be further from the truth. What has actually happened is that you have stopped interfering and allowed everything to manifest itself. You have stopped trying to control everything and just let the universe finish the job.

Is there something in your life right now that you have been ‘working hard’ to achieve or have been ‘struggling’ to manifest? Take some time to analyse what you have been doing, applying each of the three manifestation blocks to what you have been doing. If you are honest with yourself, you will see that you have been trying too hard to force things to happen, expecting failure or believing that results without hard work don’t happen. These three approaches do nothing to speed up your achievements, they just waste energy and leave you feeling frustrated. Lose the effort and start attracting more of what you want in your life.

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