What is Your Money Mindset?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have the midas touch when it comes to their money mindset and financial situation – yet others seem to barely make it by week after week?
Is it that they have better jobs?
Is it that they were blessed with the silver spoon?
Is it that they are just lucky?
Or, could there be more to it?
Over the years I’ve known some people who have earned staggering incomes – yet week after week behind the veil of having it all, they were really struggling to make ends meet and in a highly stressful financial situation.
Then there were others I knew that earned a meagre wage in comparison yet they were quietly thriving – investing consistently for the long term and never going without.
It really didn’t make sense. How could this be?
When I first started trying to understand this, my husband and I were making good money yet we had nothing to really show for it. Virtually everything that came in went straight back out again.
Every wage increase seemed to be mysteriously swallowed up by some new expense that appeared and we just never seemed to get ahead.
It honestly used to baffle me.
About ten years ago when I started my journey into personal development, I discovered the concept of the money mindset.
Now imagine a thermostat on an air conditioner, designed to keep the temperature at a consistent level. When it starts to get to cold, it backs off on sending out cold air. When it starts to get warmer than the set temperature, it gives the signal to push out more cold air.
Well this is kind of how our relationship with money works.
We have this set point in our minds – which most of us are oblivious to – and whenever we start to go above or below this amount financially we experience events to bring us back to our comfort zone.
So if our incomes increase, we attract to ourselves unexpected expenses or losses, and if we fall under our set point, we experience gains and wins to get us back up where we need to be according to our money mindset.
See, whether you realize it or not, you’re actually in a relationship with money.
Deep huh!
Unfortunately for most people it’s an unhappy marriage. We mistakenly believe that it is external circumstances that are causing us to experience the results we are getting.
But this isn’t the case.
While it may seem like you had nothing to do with the job loss or the tax bill or the car blowing up or the kids needing expensive items for school, you kind of did.
How we think and feel about money has a direct impact on how it shows up, or fails to show up, in our lives. Our thoughts and feelings about money – our money mindset – really do impact what we experience in the outer world.
So my question to you is, what condition is your money mindset in? If you’ve never questioned it, maybe now is the time to start digging and see what you can discover within yourself.