We Become What We Think About

“We become what we think about” – Earl Nightingale (author of ‘The Strangest Secret’)
Have you heard this quote before? It is simplistic, yet the message is much deeper than the handful of words written.
Our mind is an incredible tool which is not yet fully understood, though more is being learnt everyday. There are figures thrown about that we use between 5-10% of our mind’s capacity which is just astounding. We have so much potential that we are blissfully unaware of just lying their untapped.
While the quote itself is simple, it can be easily misunderstood.
The thought is not just referring to a one time, one off thought that passes through your mind. Life is created by the thoughts that you think on a continual basis, that are then fuelled by emotions and feeling. A stray thought of worry is far less likely to have any impact on your life compared to a daily thought that you will become ill with a particular disease. Fear is a strong emotion that can have a negative effect on both our body and mind, producing illness and stress within in us by our own creation. Of course we rarely recognise that it is us ourselves that have created the situation. We tend to blame circumstances, other people or other situations for the negative bind we find ourselves in.
The key to creating a life that you desire is to not only think thoughts of what you want, but to back them up with strong feelings and emotion. Imagine thinking about travelling overseas on the trip of a life time. See the sights, feel the excitement and if possible try to include as many senses as possible. If it is somewhere near the ocean that you want to be, taste the salt on your lips or smell it in the breeze. It is the feeling behind the thought that gives it the true power.
This explains why it sometimes seems to be easier to attract what we don’t want than what we do want. Negative emotions such as fear are more pervasive in our day to day lives and are experienced more frequently than many of us realise. The fear of receiving a speeding ticket could be manifested into reality by most people far quicker than the joy of finding out that you are holding the winning lottery ticket. Both situations occur every week around the world, yet it’s far easier for most to imagine feeling the disappointment and anger at receiving a ticket than conjuring up the feelings of being an elated new millionaire.
Make an effort today to consciously focus on one thing that you want to see happen in your life. Key to success with using your thoughts to manifest in life is to think from the end. Consciously choosing what to think can take some practice and real effort, but the rewards far outweigh the effort required to practice.
Would love to hear what thoughts you intend to consciously think or success you have had with this practice, so please let us know in the comment section below.