Want to Know How to Manifest Money?
One of the most common questions people want an answer for is how to manifest money. It’s as if money is this magical substance that can solve just about any problem on earth that we can think of.
Whenever I get asked this question, my first response is to ask the person what they want the money for. Now I get plenty of interesting answers to this, yet more often than not, people respond with things like
“I want to be financially free”
“I want to be rich”
“I want to never have to worry about money again”
“I want to be able to buy whatever I want, whenever I want”
All great intentions and the thought of having cash at your fingertips to do what you want with all the time is definitely one that has crossed my mind as well. But is it really the be all and end all?
If there was one thing I could teach you about how to manifest money fast, it would be that it’s not money that you want.
It’s not about the money…
Never really was…
Are you sitting there scratching your head?
Hear me out.
What you want is the things money can buy, not the actual money.
What you want is a feeling that you think money or an object will bring.
If I gave you a nice big bag full of cash what would you do with it? You’d hardly take it to bed with you and give it a big cuddle, or sit it on a shelf somewhere to proudly display in your home would you. Nope. You’d spend it or use it to exchange for something else.
So what is it that you really want?
Here’s a few desires people often share once they’ve stopped and put a bit more thought into what they actually want. You may be thinking some of these things yourself, so let’s look at them and see if they can be viewed with a different approach to dramatically increase your ability to manifest them.
“I want to buy my dream home”
This is a really good one, and one that most people feel a desire for at some point in their lives. My question to you again is “what do you really want”? Do you want to be a property owner, or do you want to live in a home that has everything you want? Is it critical that you buy a home, or could you come into possession of it through other means, such as winning it, renting it, inheriting it or even long term house sitting? We can put too many rules in place for ‘how’ something should be manifested, in the process putting up blocks to the universe to provide it to us in other ways. The how is not something you should concern yourself with, just the what.
“I want to provide my family with everything they need”
Well what is it that they actually need? Is there a particular school you’d like to send your children to? Maybe they’re involved in sports and need expensive equipment. Maybe your partner has a hobby they’re passionate about and you’d love for them to be able to have what they need to pursue it. Are there ways this could be achieved without you having to exchange cash for the outcome? Your child could win a scholarship, someone may offer sponsorship, your partner might receive an unexpected gift. It’s so easy to be stuck on how to manifest money in order to get what we want to the exclusion of everything else. There are a million ways to manifest what you need and money is not always what you need to get them.
“I want to be debt free”
This one is huge! I will keep it simple. If you are giving any of your energy at all to debt, then you are virtually guaranteeing that it will be a part of your experience for as long as you continue to think about it. Now I’m not saying that if you never think of it again that it will miraculously disappear overnight, it’s not the norm. But never say never, people win at lotto or receive inheritances or unexpected wins all the time! My point here is to stop focusing on what you don’t want, debt, and start focusing on what you would be spending your money on if it wasn’t being used to pay off your current debts.
My intention in writing this was to show you that although knowing how to manifest money is a great skill to have, it’s not nearly as important as having clarity on what you actually want and then knowing how to stay focused and bring it into reality. We can create great things when we set the intention and let our mind and the universe go to work for us. Don’t get hung up on the money. Unless you enjoy the crunching sound of money in your mattress then it’s probably not what you really want anyway!