Stop Manifesting What You Don’t Want!

woman attracting what she doesn't want

So you know you create your reality and that your thoughts and feelings create your life, so why do you keep manifesting what you don’t want?

Maddening isn’t it?

You beat yourself up for knowing better, go back and re-read one of the many books on your shelf explaining everything in detail or go and order another course to see if there is some other way to get it right.

There must be more to it, there’s stuff they’re not telling me, or there’s a missing piece to this puzzle you tell yourself.

This shit needs to stop. Seriously.

You’re looking for answers in the wrong place.

Before you do anything else, go search in the one place where all answers are found. Go and look within yourself.

YOU create your results. No one else.

How you have created your results (effects) is not always obvious. Finding the cause that has you manifesting what you don’t want may mean that you need to look at things from a different angle. To get you thinking, here’s two scenarios for you and a few ideas of how the results may have come about.

Overlooked for a promotion

Your perfect job has become vacant and you have the chance to apply, you have all the skills required and you submit your resume. At the time of handing it in you silently wonder if you’re really ready to take the plunge, after all they’re big shoes to fill. You brush it aside and submit it anyway. Over the course of the next couple of days, you keep having niggly feelings around the job you’ve applied for. There will be so much pressure and I’ll have to work weekends, what if other people are jealous, I probably won’t get a pay rise anyway, there are other people just as qualified as me, you have to kiss arse to get jobs like this and I’m not gonna do that, maybe I shouldn’t have applied…. Getting the drift here?

Now if you can let these thoughts pass and not attach too much emotion to them, chances are they will have bugger all impact on the outcome. But, if you allow these thoughts to spiral and attach a fear based feeling to them, you are watering the seed. What do you think the outcome will be?

Credit Card details stolen

This one’s a personal experience – one that has been repeated on several occasions!! Now when you hear about someone’s credit card details being stolen or hacked, you usually assume that the cause is card skimming, dodgy online transactions or that the person hasn’t taken adequate steps to prevent such things from happening. These all sound totally plausible don’t they? Well truth is, these things are just the effect. The cause is usually a lot closer to home. Like I said, this has happened on several occasions now, with the latest being last week. Previously I played the blame game, ranted and raved, and took no personal responsibility whatsoever. This time it was different. I actually started laughing when I got off the phone from the bank when I realized just how fast the universe had responded to me. Three days prior to it happening while out shopping, my husband commented on how much he hates me paying for everything using a credit card. This is normal and I usually let it go over my head and give it no more thought. However, this time when he said it I felt a bit of a tightening in my chest and thought to myself well maybe I should stop spending so much given it’s an expensive time of the year. Same day when paying for groceries I felt a wave of negativity wash over me when I again whipped out the card in front of him. This type of feeling is one I haven’t felt in years. Almost like a bit of anxiety. On top of this, I’d been arguing with myself all week about whether or not it was a good idea to spend money on several more courses I wanted to do, which is not something I usually stress about anymore.

Do you think my thoughts and feelings had anything to do with me attracting the unwanted experience of having my details stolen and my card cancelled? I know it did, and I reckon you can see it clearly too!

getting the opposite of what you want

Hopefully these scenarios have given you some food for thought. Next time you realize you’re manifesting what you don’t want, stop looking at the effect and start digging to see if you can find the cause. If you can correct your thinking and remove any blocks, this will set you on a new course heading back in the direction you actually want to be going.

Does this bring to your mind any results you’ve experienced that you can now see possible triggers for them? Would love to hear what they are so leave a comment below.

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