Some of you may think I’m a total bitch for what I’m about to say. That’s fine. I can live with that.
Lately I’ve been indulging in spending way too much time reading shit on social media, to the point that what I’ve been reading has really pissed me off. Actually that’s not a strong enough word. Your posts are making me fucking livid, like I just want to shake you and ask what the hell were you thinking when you wrote that shit! If it really was possible for smoke to come out of my ears it would be billowing.
Over the last year or so I’ve joined a ton of FB groups that are based on creating a better life and attracting what you want, which is something I’m really passionate about. Yet as they grow in size, the squeaky wheels seem to take over and dominate the group feeds, to the point where they seem to be inundated with victims screaming for attention and it’s driving me fucking nuts.
My response?
Truth is, I don’t want to hear you whinge and whine about your fucking problems. Day in day out you are complaining about the same shit. Over and over and over again. If it’s not that problem, you find another one. This is not healthy and it is sure as hell not helping you!!!
You are thriving on being a fucking victim.
You love the sympathetic comments, the words of encouragement, the false feeling of support…… AND THEN YOU DO ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL TO CHANGE YOUR SITUATION!!!
As soon as the feeling of being so loved has worn off, you go in again for the reinforcement, posting your woe is me stories about the same problem or something similar.
For the love of god, pleased stop doing this!!!
Stop doing it so you can start helping yourself, and stop doing it to manipulate the sympathies of others.
Am I a cold-hearted bitch?
I’m about as soft and compassionate as they come. If anything I’m more empath than anything, making it even more important that I protect my ears from negativity that doesn’t need to be spread.
What I do care about is actually helping you to fix the areas of your life that are causing you pain and teaching you how to get your mind off what you don’t want so it can actually go to work on getting what you do want.
But, you have to help yourself here too.
Every single person on this planet has problems of some description. All of us. Even the ones that have lives which seem picture perfect. Problems are just a part of life, and as you work on yourself and grow as a person, you’ll find yourself encountering ones that are often even more challenging. Just accept it and stop fighting or trying to wage a war against it.
Instead, put your energy into creation.
Focus on creating what YOU want in your life. The bodies we live in do have an expiry date so don’t wait until they are at the end of their run before you start living. Stop trying to live a life that will please your mother or father, or your husband or your children.
They have their own to run.
You need to run yours!
Many of you might believe this is selfish. I totally disagree. The more love you give to yourself and the more fulfilled you are within your own life, the more you have available to give and serve others.
Sounds dumb, but it works.
Key is that how you give and serve is up to you – we get stuck on the judgement of others and build the belief that what we are doing is somehow wrong. Total crap.
You will NEVER please everyone. EVER.
Stop trying.
Focus on pleasing yourself first and foremost.
I work on the rule of thirds… a third will love it (or you), a third will hate it and the other third won’t give a fuck. Be comfortable with this.
Do yourself a favour and step away from the smorgasbord of negativity that is so freely on offer everywhere you look. The more time and energy you invest into other people’s problems, the more you are likely to attract into your own life.
If you really do have a problem, do something constructive about it. Grab a pen and your journal and dump your shit in there, ask yourself questions and listen to the answers that come from within. Stop asking others for their opinions on your problems – unless of course you want to prolong them. Use techniques like Ho’oponopono and EFT Tapping to help release blocks. Declutter your shit and get back some clarity. Meditate, practice your affirmations and do some focused visualization.
Help yourself!
Obviously if you’ve got some dire medical condition go and see someone that can offer some relief, but don’t get stuck dwelling on it. There’s plenty of evidence available showing people overcoming some pretty astounding supposedly incurable medical conditions naturally. Food for thought.
Ok rant over, just think about what you are speaking, because that is what you’re attracting right back in to your life. If you don’t like what’s in your life currently, have an honest look at what you’ve been letting in to your mind and where your attention has been focused.
Much love xo