Start to Use Your Imagination Again

Use your imagination is a phrase commonly used by people, but one that’s rarely practised. Have you ever had this said to you, or said it to someone else? It seems that as you get older, you tend to put your imagination on the back burner, instead turning to logic or outside influences to solve your problems.
Your imagination holds the key to just about everything, is free to use and is 100% in your control, so why have you stopped using it?
The answer really doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you start to use your imagination again in your life each day. You think that you’re thinking all day, but truth is majority of the time you’re just re-running the same thoughts through your head over and over again. Some of these thoughts aren’t even your own! They could be things you’ve read, scenes or themes from tv shows you’ve watched, or conversations you’ve had or intend to have with others. It just all keeps swirling around on repeat.
Let’s mix things up a little!
Time to embrace your inner child and warm up your daydream muscle again. If it’s been a long time since you deliberately imagined anything, then this is a great way to get your creativity flowing again. When you’ve stopped doing something for a long time it can feel awkward when you try to start again. Just start small and don’t try to force it or you’ll put yourself off before you have the chance to really get into it.
Imagine Something Beautiful
Think of something you love that is beautiful to you. Maybe it’s flowers or crystals or angels or butterflies, just pick something that feels good for you. Now picture your bedroom or bathroom – do you have a dresser or maybe some bedside tables with drawers? Picture yourself opening up the drawer and it being filled with the beautiful object that you picked. If it’s butterflies for instance, imagine them flowing out from the drawer and filling the room with their color. If it’s crystals, see the magical glow coming from them and shining out into the room when you open the drawer. This exercise is a way of getting you to use your imagination and at the same time create a good feeling within yourself.
Imagine Something Exciting
Is there something in life that would totally thrill you if it happened? Maybe you want to climb Mt Everest, maybe you want to make a snow angel, maybe you want to travel to Hawaii. Just think of something that would be exciting to you. Now imagine one thing that you’d do if this were already real and it was actually happening. Capture how you would feel. This doesn’t have to be a massive daydream, just keep it small or at a level where it feels good. This exercise will help you get focused on capturing a feeling and being able to imagine and recall it at any time you choose.
Imagine Something Fun
What do you love doing that gets you laughing your arse off, squealing with delight or just feeling damn fine? Maybe you love going to comedy shows, maybe it’s a shopping spree or coffee with some gal pals, maybe it’s doing a yoga class. Everyone is different. Fun is whatever you say it is. So, use your imagination and picture yourself enjoying whatever it is that you find fun. Really get into it and feel the joy inside as you do whatever it is you love. Focus on feeling joyful, light and happy. This exercise helps you raise your vibration fast and is something you can use at anytime to lift your feelings. It’s also a great thing to practice before going into a meditation or any other form of relaxation as you are in a great energetic state to begin with.
These are just a handful of ways you can play with your mind and start to use your imagination again. By doing this you’ll find it much easier to start to intentionally use visualization as one of the tools in your manifesting toolbox. There is nothing that you can’t think of, sometimes it just takes some play to get back in touch with yourself and allow yourself to enjoy being creative and to stop listening to your logical mind!