Shatter Negative Thoughts with these Simple Tricks

It has been said that we have over 60,000 thoughts each day.

60,000. That is nearly one and a half thoughts every second… if we were awake for 24 hours. This is a staggering number and it is no wonder that we can find ourselves in a downward spiral if these are predominantly negative.


Shatter Negative Thoughts with these Simple Tricks


Once negative thoughts start it can feel hopeless and almost impossible to get them to stop. A good way to break free from the negative rut is to start small and pick just one area of your thoughts to try and put a positive spin on. Here are some areas that you can focus on to get started.

1. Silence is Golden

Stop talking about your problems to other people. As good as it feels to vent our frustrations or get things off our chests, talking can actually be increasing the negative thoughts you are thinking. What ever you are giving your energy and attention to will attract more of it into your life – whether you want it or not.

2. Your time starts now

Set aside a specific amount of time to let you mind run riot. Actually get out a timer or stop watch and when it goes off that is it, time is up. No more negative thoughts until your next allotted time. While this may be extremely difficult, it will at least make you conscious of when you are thinking negatively and give you the opportunity to stop yourself and save the thoughts for your next worry session.

3. Excess Baggage

Are you carrying around regrets and grudges from the past? How heavy is the load, and how long have you been dragging it everywhere with you. The past just is. It cannot be erased or undone. Worrying about the past is like driving around looking at your rear view mirror the entire time and not focusing on the road ahead, dangerous. Dump the load, get a journal and write in it, or a piece of paper you can burn, or find a quiet spot and just speak it out and be done with it, kiss these negative thoughts goodbye for good.

4. Forgive

If it is a grudge you are still bearing, it is time to let it go. Forgiveness sets you free, it really has no effect on the other party whatsoever. Chances are they are having a great life and have never given you or the situation any more thought. Your negative thoughts aren’t hurting them, they are totally self-destructive and eating away at you.Right here, right now

5. Right here, right now

Stop and recognise where your thoughts actually are. Are they focused on the past, creating vivid scenarios for the future, or are you actually present. Presence is something that eludes many of us, and though feeling it on a continual basis may seem impossible for most, there are great benefits to introducing periods of mindfulness into your day. Finding ways to remain present can be as simple as sitting down and focusing on your breath and nothing else for a small period of time, to deep meditation. Yoga is a great way to experience mindfulness as well. Start small and simple then build from there.

Ultimately, you are the only person that can change what you are thinking. Being aware of the fact that you are having negative thoughts is a great start. Out of this awareness you have the choice to either allow yourself to continue down the slippery slope, or take a step in the happier direction.

The choice is yours.

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