Questioning Uninspired Living and Thought Conditioning

Why do we wake up everyday, drag ourselves out of bed, and then go through the day performing a multitude of monotonous tasks that leave us feeling unfulfilled and uninspired? Is this the meaning of life? Was this the purpose of our existence? Looking around we see most people behaving in exactly the same way, it appears to be normal, but is it?
The Fortunate Few
Occasionally our minds are opened up when we see, read or hear about someone that has broken the mold. This person is often portrayed as being almost heroic for breaking the rules and finding a way to do something they love. Some of these exceptional people even manage to create massive levels of wealth with there new lives. Why do we look at these people and think that they must have something special, or there must have been some other outside influence that made it easy for them to get where they are. What makes us so pessimistic about our own ability to succeed, even when we are continually presented with stories demonstrating the existence of a world full of infinite possibilities? Who taught us to think this way?
Sadly, much of our thought processes have come about as a result of what we learnt in our formative years. Don’t touch that, don’t look at his homework do it on your own, you need good marks to get anywhere in life, eat everything on your plate, don’t hang around with that person, make sure you wash your face. Are you starting to see where your conditioning has come from? None of this was ever intended to be malicious or to cause you long term harm, on the contrary, it was usually said in order to protect you or to instil desired behaviours in you. However this is where many of your problems began.
What if they are wrong?
So, if people are instilling their beliefs on what is the right behaviour into you, what if they are wrong? Ok, wrong is a harsh word. What if they are completely different to what resonates inside you as being true? Do you go through life continuing to live someone else’s beliefs, or does there come a point in time where you decide to think for yourself.
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Sounds a little radical doesn’t it. I mean, we all think for ourselves, right? Possibly not as much as we think we do. In fact much of what is going on in our heads is just mindless chatter and we are living out a life full of habits that have been a part of us for so long that we wrongly define them as being who we are and making us the way we are. What if we could rip out our programming and rewire ourselves so that we could be, do or have anything we desired. How amazing would it feel to wake up each day, oblivious to the old conditioning, and know that we had the opportunity to create the life we desire by taking steps that we actually choose to take each day.
This is what living a fulfilled life is. Finding something compelling to do with your life then taking action to make it happen. The past is gone and the rules you learnt and had programmed in to you are obsolete. Just imagine how different life your life would be if you were to dream and then act.