Outgrowing Old Relationships

Journeying into your own personal development can often lead to you outgrowing old relationships. This can feel scary at first, and you may even feel like doors are closing but nothing is opening, and waiting in that hallway is dark and fucking scary!
It is perfectly okay to feel this way and you are definitely not alone.
Sometimes it can feel like the people who are currently in your life are on a totally different path and that to some degree they are holding you back from the dream life you are creating. This isn’t true. No one can hold you back but yourself.
If you are feeling this way about your current relationships, you don’t have to dump everyone and run. Sometimes you’ll find that friendships naturally fizzle out as you start to take on new interests. It sure as hell doesn’t have to be some ugly or dramatic finale. You can even still keep people in your life, but choose to spend less time with them, or change the way you spend time with them. Go for a walk and have a chat with your girlfriends instead of hitting the pubs and clubs and being a party girl.
Outgrowing old relationships is just a part of life. Sure some people are still in the same circles that they were in from school, but as nice as this may look from the outside, it can often be a case of no one being willing to get outside their own comfort zones.
Today is such an incredible time for connection with people. Unlike 30 years ago, we don’t have to write letters to pen pals or only be able to speak on the phone, we can jump online and literally be connected with millions of people in just seconds. There are people everywhere open to meeting new people and more than ever people are opening up and connecting to others with similar interests or on the same journey in life.
There is no need to feel guilty or bad about broadening your horizons and making time for new friends in your life. By spending less time with those you are out of alignment with, you are doing them a favor as well by creating space for them to find new people on the same path as them. Just release the need to control when or how you meet people and the Universe will have your back and you’ll find yourself in the right places at the right times to connect with people you’d have never expected to even meet.
When it comes to branching out and expanding your connections, don’t try to force things. Just because you’re outgrowing old relationships, doesn’t mean you need to fill up that space with the first person who comes along. Set the intention to meet more people who are in alignment with your new ways of thinking and they will turn up in your life from all sorts of crazy places and bring you more joy than you could have ever expected.