So, you’re not clear on what you want

If you’re not clear on what you want, how can you expect to manifest anything specific in life?
Time and time again I see and hear people claiming that the Universe hates them, or that it’s just bad luck, bad genes, bad timing, bad marriage, bad job, bad choices, bad whatever. If you find yourself blaming anything at all on a regular basis, you’re throwing away your power and not taking responsibility for your own results in life.
One overwhelmingly common trait of these same people is that they are never clear on what it is they actually do want.
Your marriage sucks? Well what do you want in your life partner? Have you ever stopped and actually listed out the qualities you want in a person that you will be spending a huge amount of time with for the rest of your life? You can’t meet someone that seems close enough and then spend the rest of your relationship wondering why you feel disconnected or unfulfilled. It’s not your partners job to make you happy, that is up to you.
How are your finances? Do you have enough money to get by? Are you drowning in debt, or maybe your swimming in cash, but the rest of your world is slowly collapsing around you.? Money is energy, so whatever meaning you’ve attached to it will have a strong influence on how it shows up in your life or how fast it flies out of your life.
When you’re not clear on what you want, the messages you send the Universe will be inconsistent and and all over the place. It’s like you’re at a restaurant and you ask for a steak, but then you look over and see someone with a seafood marinara and call the waiter back to change your order. Then, while you’re waiting, you see someone tucking into the most mouth watering burger that you’ve ever seen. You call the waiter back and change your order again. Shortly after, everyone else at your table is enjoying the meals they order while you sit there waiting, unsure of what is actually going to eventually turn up since you changed your mind so many times.
While this may sound dumb, it’s what so many of us do all day, every day. If you’re not clear on what you want, how the hell do you expect to receive it?
When it comes to manifesting results in your own life – clarity is a critical ingredient!
Without clarity you are doomed to a life of unfulfilled dreams, a seemingly endless string of events which never work out how you want them to, and a stack of time wasted complaining about your situation and worrying what will happen next.
But, it doesn’t have to be this way.
You have all the power here. Yes, YOU!
Make the time to ask yourself the hard questions and get clear on what it is you want in life. Pick an area that you want change in and sit down with a pen and paper and ask yourself what you really want. This shouldn’t be a five minute process, nor a one off event.
Grab a glass of wine or a cuppa and invest some time in YOU!
Come up with a list of 100 things you want in your chosen area, whether it be money, health, relationships or anything else. The first answers your write down will just be scraping the surface, keep digging until you get to the gold buried underneath all the crap you ‘think’ you should be wanting.
Narrow this list down to the top 5 results you believe you want in your life. Now, this is where the real work begins.
Why do you want it?
Ask yourself this question, and then when you come up with an answer, ask it again. Then again and again and again. Go at least six levels deep on this one. You will be stunned at what you discover about yourself when you do this exercise.
When you’re done, you should have clarity on what it is on that one particular area of your life that you want. Avoid trying to change your whole world in one go if you can. Just pick one area to start with and get clear on what you want.
Be at cause and actually take action! If you’re not clear on what you want, you will always feel like something is missing. You’re worth investing the time in so actually put pen to paper and see what you can discover inside of yourself.