My Experience with ‘The Secret’

I remember vividly the night I first watched ‘The Secret’. To this day I have no idea why I happened to be watching television that night as it wasn’t something I usually did, or how I managed to tune in to the first ever screening of ‘The Secret’ in Australia. Truth is, it doesn’t matter. We were in a rental home at the time and I can still clearly see myself sitting on the edge of my blue lounge, hanging on every word uttered throughout the whole movie. Never in my life had I seen anything like this on television, and the messages in it were supporting everything that I had been reading and learning for the prior six or so months.
I was ecstatic!
This meant that I was not alone!
Up until this point, I had felt like I had been given the key to a new world, yet no one around me was aware of it, or for that matter, even gave a shit. But me, I felt enlightened. My heart and mind exploded into life and suddenly I found myself open to the possibility that my wildest dreams really could come true.
This was big. Epic.
Initially I remember keeping everything extremely close to my chest, not telling any one in my inner circle what I was learning, reading and believing. I was scared. My biggest fear was that people would disconnect from me and I’d be alone. Worst still, my ego was still out of control, actually I don’t think I even realized that I had one at that point, and I was terrified of being judged by others. Still, something compelled me to carry my copy of Dr Joseph Murphy’s ‘The Power of Your Subconscious MInd’ with me everywhere. For those times where I couldn’t whip out the book, I wrote out little affirmations on post-it notes and put them in my purse where I could discreetly read them.
When I finally shared my secret with those closest to me, you won’t believe what happened?? Go on, guess!!!
They rejected me!
Maybe I was a little crazy?
I felt stupid, hurt and strangely even a little ashamed. The ones that I loved gave me that polite smile and let me know why what I was suggesting was ridiculous, and basically told me that I was wrong.
I felt crushed.
Today, I can see that I got exactly what I expected! Yay!! This is something to be celebrated. It wasn’t clear of a long time, but when that light bulb went off, bam, everything just felt right. Truth is, what people think of me, or my beliefs, is none of my business. None at all. They can think whatever they like and unless I choose to let it effect me, their opinion is 100% their own. I don’t need to convert anyone, or tell them how to think. Not my job.
Since that time almost ten years ago, I have been studying, practicing and experimenting with the Law of Attraction, with an appetite that is bordering on insatiable. I am so grateful that I stuck to my beliefs and pursued them like I did. Truthfully, I would hate to imagine what life would be like today if I hadn’t as it was heading in the wrong direction fast!
While I do believe that the movie ‘The Secret’ has some shortcomings, it’s ability to share the basics with people that may otherwise never seek out such information has been a blessing. It has given people a starting point from which to launch their own study and investigation of these principles and the power of our own minds.
And me? Well I know all this is true. I have no doubts. The biggest lessons for me have actually come from experiences where I’ve attracted into my life the things i don’t want – then had the realization that I really did create them. Powerful. Humbling. Ego crushing.
We are all energy. We are all co-creators of the universe and our experiences. This is nothing new. If you start to dig you will realize really quickly that this information has been around forever, ‘The Secret’ has never really been a secret at all. Once you understand this, you will come to realize that most people reject this way of thinking because it takes way all their excuses and leaves them with no one but themselves to blame for everything in their lives. Understandably this is confronting and not something that most people will accept.
This is fine. Really, it is.
My only advice on taking this path in life is to trust. Trust your intuition, trust what you feel. Turn off the television and start to listen to yourself. Movies and concepts like ‘The Secret’ may take a lot more time to become mainstream thinking and acceptable.
Remember, most new ideas are first met with skepticism, then opposed before becoming accepted as fact or reality. You don’t have to dig too hard to find evidence supporting this.
You really do have more power in your own mind than our education systems will let you know. There really are unseen powers working in the universe everyday. And, you are more than capable of learning how to work with these forces and use them to your advantage. ‘The Secret’ is out, so embrace it in the way that feels right for you.