Law of Attraction Simple Money Manifestation Process

When people first learn about the law of attraction and some of the ways they can put it to use in their own lives, wealth creation is often at the top of their wish list. This is a great place to start if you’re experiencing less abundance in your life than you desire. Today I will show you what you need to avoid when you are trying to create more abundance, and teach you a simple money manifestation process to draw more wealth in your life.
What to Avoid
One of the biggest mistakes that I see people making with their new found knowledge is to claim that they want a particular amount of money to manifest in their lives. More often than not this figure is one million dollars or more. Now don’t get me wrong, you can desire as much money as you want, the level s of abundance you seek are no ones business but your own. Problem with this type of thought is that your chances of making this desire a reality are pretty remote if all you’re thinking are hundred dollar bills.
You see the mind likes to think in pictures and is driven by feelings and emotions. Stop reading this for a moment and think about a nice, crisp new hundred dollar bill. It probably looks good in your mind, but how much feeling does it invoke within you? Truth is that it’s not the actual money that you’re seeking. Yes it is I hear you saying! No, it’s not. It’s the things that money can buy with the money that you’re really wanting.
Where to Begin
To start a plan for attracting more abundance into your life you need to have clear uses for the money that you are seeking. For example, you may require $x to buy the home that you want, or $x for an overseas trip you are planning. Whatever the amount, you need to have a use for it in mind.
If you’ve experienced a lack of abundance for any length of time you may find it difficult to comprehend that any large change to your current situation is even possible. Don’t despair. Start with something small and believable to you first. The size of the prize is not the aim of this exercise. It is building your belief. For many people, the thought of attaining an extra $50 is a believable achievement, so this is where we’ll start.
Simple Manifestation Process
Your exercise for today is to ask the universe to deliver you $50 of unexpected additional income in the next 2 weeks. Decide upfront what you will use this extra $50 for. It could be a new pair of shoes, a couple of books you want or maybe a massage. Next step is to picture yourself wearing your new shoes, laying on the lounge reading your books or lying on the massage table feeling relaxed. Make it a thought that is real to you. Have faith that this is possible and let the thought go.
The universe doesn’t look at your requests from a size perspective, there is no judgement. Only you limit yourself by believing that an amount is large or small. If you already have a strong level of belief that the universe wants to provide you with an abundance of everything you want, make your first order a little larger.
What we are doing here today is essentially a warm up exercise. Like I said, it’s not really the money that you are seeking, it is the freedom and experiences it can buy that are behind your desire. By getting your manifestation muscles limbered up and ready to receive, you can move on to bigger and more important things to bring into your life.
When you have manifested your first $50 it is time to stretch yourself a little more and ask for something bigger again. Just remember, daydreaming alone will rarely bring anything of any consequence into your life. Action of some sort is always required. Put this simple money manifestation process to work today and start to attract more abundance into your life.