Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work

Often I hear or read people claiming that law of attraction doesn’t work and that it’s a load of rubbish.
Well, I disagree.
Hear me out.
We all have different expectations in life, some more reasonable than others. We all have different levels of faith and believe in different things. This is all perfectly fine. We are all different, and that’s a good thing!
Here are 3 reasons people struggle and claim that the law of attraction doesn’t work.
Some people want everything right now
Size of requests and speed of delivery has been a common theme I have seen over the years in people that have negative feelings towards the law of attraction.
They have made huge requests and when they have not received what they asked for virtually immediately, they’ve dismissed that law of attraction works.
Flowers don’t emerge from the ground in full bloom over night.
This shit takes time.
Often when people are starting out they make requests from a place of doubt, so the vibration they’re giving out is one that does not expect results.
Try to put your doubts and fears to one side and start small.
Yes, we’d all love an extra million in our bank account by next week but the likelihood of you even being able to believe that it is possible is pretty darn remote.
If you can’t believe it and feel doubt, you’ll get exactly what you feel.
More doubt!
Start small, an extra $100 unexpected income this month for example.
Some people go looking for all the reasons why something won’t work
Seek and you shall find.
If you’re looking for reasons why the law of attraction doesn’t work then of course that’s what you’ll find.
Did you really expect to find anything else?
Stop asking for other people’s opinions, looking for articles of why law of attraction is a scam, or reading about people who claim to have failed at using it.
You need to experience and feel things for yourself.
Whatever anyone else says, thinks or does is none of your business – and likewise whatever you think, say or do is no one else’s business.
Safeguard your beliefs when they are in their infancy. Give them a safe place to grow and gain strength. Exercise them regularly to further strengthen them.
You are the only one who can do this.
There are plenty of sources of information telling you why just about any topic on earth will not work.
Trust your own instincts and try things for yourself.
Have your own opinions.
Create your own beliefs.
Some people are filled with fear
Fear is probably the other biggest reason that people claim law of attraction doesn’t work.
They’re scared of what people will think of them if they share their beliefs, scared it won’t work and then those around them will make fun of them, and in some instances, they’re scared that what they want will come true!
Many people don’t even realize that they are feeling fear. It is so normal that it doesn’t even get questioned.
Any change can cause fear, even good change.
A great example of this is the strange phenomena that occurs with majority of big time lottery winners. They end up back where they began, some even worse off financially before they won anything!
Crazy hey?
Limiting beliefs are fears that keep you stuck where you are, fearful of change.
Many lottery winners burn through their winnings at lightning speed because they’re unable to cope with all the change around them and they subconsciously don’t believe they deserve the money they have won.
Other fears that people have include losing relationships, feeling alone and even being scared of the unknown.
Change virtually always means getting out of your comfort zone in some way, so it is not at all surprising that creating a new belief in the power of the law of attraction may bring up some pretty intense fears.
Truthfully, whatever you or I think is irrelevant. You can go through life believing that law of attraction doesn’t work, or you can choose to learn how to work in harmony with it – either way it still exists and carries on regardless.
Start small, start today. What will you do to create belief?