It’s All Your Fault!

It’s all your fault!
Life not working out how you hoped it would? Maybe your health has gone to shit, your marriage is on the rocks, you don’t have many friends, you hate your job or you’re struggling to make ends meet.
There’s a common denominator in each and every one of these problems.
It’s all your fault!
This is a bit of a tough love post today, aimed not to offend, but to give you a bit of a wake up slap. You see, if you keep looking ‘out there’ for things to blame all your problems on, you’ll never solve them.
You see each and every day you make choices. You choose what you put in your mouth, you choose whether you move your body, you choose what you watch on television, read in the papers or watch on the internet, you choose which conversations to tune into or walk away from.
Every day you also choose what you believe about yourself. You choose to believe a label that you’re given from a health practitioner, you choose to believe you’ll never amount to anything because you don’t have a college degree, you choose to believe you’re destined to have fucked up relationships because your parents divorced when you were a child, you choose to believe you’re too old to try something new, you choose to believe you can’t lose the weight because of some condition or limitation, you choose to believe you’re not smart enough to have a career doing what you love, you choose to believe you don’t fit in and that there must be something wrong with you.
You choose it.
No one else.
So, if you’re unhappy with the results in life that you currently have, it’s up to you to do something about it. Go stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and have a real heart to heart with yourself.
Please don’t get on Facebook or wherever, or talk to your friends and ask them what you should do. All this does is give you another bullshit excuse for when things don’t work out. Ask yourself what needs to be done to change the things you dislike about your current reality. Ask for inspired guidance from the Universe or God or whatever form of higher power resonates with you.
“You can’t hire someone else to do your push ups for you.” – Jim Rohn
All around people are complaining that they aren’t getting the results in life they want and being all ‘woe is me’ life’s so unfair. When you ask them what they’ve been doing to change things, the answer is usually……………NOTHING!
Then it’s all your fault!!
No one can get up at 4am for you to squeeze in a bit of extra work on your business, no one can go to the gym for you and smash out an hour doing weights, no one can try to open communication with your partner after a fight and try to fix things, no one can walk around the block for you to get your body moving again, no one can learn the skills you need to get your dream job.
You have to do the work.
And yes, it actually does take work.
Work can come in the form of daily mindset practices such as journaling, meditation, visualization, affirmations and receiving intuitive guidance. Most importantly though, you need to take ACTION when you feel inspired or get those intuitive hunches.
Nothing happens without action!
So, if you’re sitting in you chair having a nice daydream about some vague things you say you’d like, good luck with getting them. If you’re looking for a sympathetic ear from me, or someone to validate your choices, I’m not that person. It’s all your fault, and until you can become completely comfortable with this fact, you will spend your life making excuse after excuse and getting crappy result after crappy result.
Do the work! You deserve this!!
Now be honest, where are you creating excuses in your own life?