How to Create a Vision Board that Works

Vision Boards are a great tool you can use to help you create the reality you desire. When you create a vision board you get to be playful and really connect with your imagination. If you’re not the artsy type that’s fine, this is still something that you can create and enjoy doing.
The most critical element to making a vision board that gets results is usually overlooked. Without this, you just have a pretty picture board than takes up space. The number one determinant of how much success you will have with your vision board is your feelings.
This includes:
- How you feel about the images and materials you’re using
- How you are feeling while you create your vision board
- How you feel about the vision board you have created
These are all far more important than what your vision board looks like, or the way you chose to make it.
So what can you do to make sure you’re sending the right message out to the Universe?
Invest time in finding the perfect images
Using the magazines and images that you already have is fine – just don’t limit yourself to these. If there’s something you really want and you can’t find anything at hand to represent it, get online or go buy some other magazines and search for it. There’s no point putting things on your vision board that you don’t really want. They just take up valuable space that you could use for your dreams. Some people like to use words on their boards as well. This is fine, but again, make sure you feel good about them. Choose words that indicate your dreams are already a reality. Create your phrases and use fonts that feel good to you.
Be mindful of the way you feel while creating your vision board
This process should never feel like a chore. It should feel fun and uplifting, with your mind focused on how good you will feel when it all materializes. If you start and then find you’re not in the mood to finish it all at once, that’s fine. Put it away and finish it when you’re in a better vibration. Sometimes the people around you can kill the mood as well by making comments about what you’re doing. If this does happen and you really feel your energy take a dive, try to get back in flow, or again just put it away for the time being until you can get back into that happy creative state again.
Feel great about the vision board you have created
Your board should make you feel inspired and uplifted whenever you look at it. It’s a reminder of where you’re heading and whenever you look at it and can get yourself to a place of feeling that it already exists, the manifesting process really takes off. Now if you don’t have your own space to put up your masterpiece, or maybe those around you are unsupportive of your creation and make you feel a little uncomfortable about displaying it, here’s a brilliant solution. Take a photo of your vision board, or take several. You can use it as a screen saver or just look at it continually throughout the day without anyone else even knowing what you’re doing. Just have it somewhere that feels good!
You can also create a vision board on your computer. A great way to do this is to set your screen saver to play a folder of photos, then fill it with images and statements that support your final outcome. This can be done as well as having a physical vision board. Pinterest is another tool you can use for making boards, however just take extra care with choosing your images here as sometimes the text and comments below them are unsupportive of what you are trying to achieve. If you find images on Pinterest that you like just save them and play them as part of you slideshow instead to avoid this. Canva is another great new tool you can use if you want to create your own graphics or even the whole vision board online. The image for this post was made using Canva and my graphic design skills are basically non-existent!
Making the time to create a vision board is really worth the effort. Even if you’re generally not the creative type, you’ll be surprised at how much fun it can be and how many other ideas come to you while you’re making it. Vision boards really are a great tool for attracting more of what you want in your life and are something that just about anyone can create. Go have some fun and start yours today.