Get Clear on What You Want Using Contrast

Discovering how to use contrast to your advantage is an important lesson when it comes to learning how to work with the law of attraction. If you are just starting to knowingly use this law, you may find that you feel frustrated, bad or even a little angry when you experience thoughts of what you don’t want, or if you experience things you don’t want. This is pretty normal.

Firstly, this stuff takes practice. Whatever you do, please don’t beat yourself up because you have a negative thought or manifest something that you don’t want. Even the most experienced people have this happen at times. Keeping your vibration high requires effort and continual monitoring and adjustment of your feelings.

Secondly, if you are stuck chastising yourself, you’re missing the beauty of the lesson that the unwanted experience is actually bringing you.

use contrast to gain clarity

What do I mean by this?

It is a golden opportunity for you to get clear on what you do want instead!

Clarity is a critical element of deliberate creation and an area people sometimes struggle with. When you experience contrast, or notice what is missing from your life, it can help you to become clearer on what it is that you do want. Michael Losier, in his book Law of Attraction , offers one of the clearest methods for using contrast to your advantage by suggesting you say to yourself

“so, what do I want?”

Ask yourself this question when you find yourself observing contrast in your own world. It’s a great tool to consciously shift your thoughts from what you don’t want, to what you do want. I first read Michael Losier’s book six or seven years ago and it’s an exercise I still use today because it’s so simple, yet so effective.

Now to be clear, I’m not suggesting you go and spend large chunks of time wallowing in thoughts of things you don’t want just in order to create some clarity. This is definitely not the case. What I’m suggesting is when these moments arise, which they will, that you don’t get lost in them and start off down the slippery slope of negativity. See the blessing in being aware of what you don’t want and make a conscious decision to use the contrast to your advantage.

Let’s put it into real life so you can see what I mean.

You’re running late for work… again. You get onto the motorway and traffic is bumper to bumper, moving at a snail’s pace. If you weren’t stressed out before, you definitely are now. As you sit there in the gridlock, the thought passes through your mind of your boss pulling you up for being late again. As you give it your attention, another thought comes through of your boss giving you a more serious reprimand, like a written warning. The traffic’s not improving… you’re getting more anxious about being late, you wonder what your boss will say when you eventually get to work. Now that you’re in this vibration, your mind thinks you want more of these types of thoughts, so eager to please, it decides to spice things up a little more. What if you got to work and your boss fired you! You can feel the dread in the pit of your stomach. Now the thoughts are coming fast and furious. If I don’t have a job, how will I pay to keep a roof over my head? How will I explain this to my husband/wife? What if I can’t get another job? And on and on it goes.

use contrast to your advantage traffic

If this was you, chances are that you’d be feeling pretty uptight, anxious and fearful at this point.

What type of vibration do you think you’d be in energetically? It’s pretty obvious isn’t it? The negative energetic state you’re creating can only attract energy and situations that are vibrating in harmony with it at the same level.

But this isn’t what I want!!

Exactly. This is why you want to pay attention to your thoughts and at the onset of thinking, seeing or experiencing what you don’t want, deliberately choose to refocus your attention back onto what you do want instead.

As Michael Losier says, ask yourself “so, what do I want?”

Sometimes the simplest things can produce the most profound results. I’ve put a link to the book on Amazon where I mention it above as it’s well worth reading. Just note that if you do choose to click through using the affiliate link above I’ll receive a small commission. Put this technique to the test and let me know the ways you come up with to use contrast to your advantage.


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