Decide to Follow Your Bliss

pink sky palm trees sunshine bliss

Follow your bliss is a beautiful quote from the inspirational Lisa Nichols. But it is so much more than just a nice, warm and fuzzy saying. You can use this simple statement as a compass, a quick and easy way to help you recognize whether you are on or off track in your life.

Say it out loud to yourself now. Go on!

What does it make you feel?

If you’re a little lost at the moment, down in the dumps or stuck in a rut, you might experience feelings like:

  • what does this even mean?
  • this is stupid
  • I don’t know what my bliss even is
  • what is bliss?
  • you can’t just be following your bliss all the time
  • I don’t have time to sit around and bliss out

Resistance can also show up in other ways, like:

  • My family need to come first and I don’t have time for me
  • There isn’t enough money for me to do the things I want to do
  • When …….. happens I’ll be able to find my bliss
  • No one really finds there bliss anyway do they?
  • If only …… then I could be happy

Do any of these resonate with you? You’re definitely not alone if any of them do. Sometimes all it takes is a step towards what you want and before you know it doors are opening in places you never thought possible. You don’t have to overhaul your whole life in one day to start making progress towards your bliss.

So let’s start small.

Grab your journal, notebook, paper or computer and ask yourself these questions:

  • What does bliss mean to me?
  • Have I ever felt bliss in my life?
  • Is there one thing I love to do that I can get lost in?
  • Am I pushing away happiness because I feel I am undeserving of it?
  • Do I feel guilty for wanting to feel happy?

Asking yourself questions, especially the hard ones, is one of the best ways to make long and lasting change in your life. Make time to do these exercises as this is where the magic is.

You may notice after doing this that there is a particular area of your life that is moving you away from feeling happy and in alignment. This is great news! Clarity is the key to creating results fast, so if you know which area of your life is making you the unhappiest, you’ve found your starting point on your quest to follow your bliss.

So time for more questions!

  • Do you have control over the situation? (Hint – the answer is always yes, it just doesn’t always seem that way at first)
  • What is one small action you could take to help you start to follow your bliss?
  • How would you know if you had reached a space of happiness and alignment?
  • Are there particular feelings, sounds, smells or other people that you can imagine to help you visualize having found your bliss?
Follow Your Bliss - Olive Lantern

Just remember, life is just one big wild and crazy ride, and the only thing certain about it is that change is a constant. You’re not in a race and you’re not competing with anyone else. All you need to focus on is how you feel and what you want in life. Let everyone else focus on their own and put your blinkers on to those telling you how you should live.

You’re not here to endure life, you’re here to enjoy it. Making the decision to follow your bliss is a great place to start.

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