Discovering Your Emotional Guidance System
Your feelings are the main factors that determine what you attract into your life. They also give you an indication of the frequency which your energy is vibrating at. Understanding what you’re feeling, and whether it’s serving you or working against you, is a valuable skill to learn. While this may sound like common sense and you’re probably thinking, “I know what I’m feeling!!”, you may be overlooking the last part of the equation.
Are your feelings taking you down a positive, or negative path?
One of the easiest ways to discover where your thoughts are taking you is to use the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance System. This scale of emotions is an absolute must in your mindset toolbox. If you’re unfamiliar with Esther and Jerry Hicks work and Abraham, their book ‘Ask and It Is Given’ is a good starting point.
One of the best things about the Emotional Guidance System is that it doesn’t make feelings right or wrong. It just puts them in an order where you can easily see where you’re at, and show you clearly what is a better feeling emotion. For example, if you’re feeling jealous of someone or something, choosing to replace this with anger would see you moving back up the scale. The Emotional Guidance System teaches you that you don’t have to try to move yourself from a really negative emotion to feeling completing positive, you just have to move one emotion up the scale to feel better.
How good is this!!
You don’t have to try and pretend you feel joyful and optimistic three seconds after you’ve been caught up in a state of worry. Just shift away slightly from this to the feeling of doubt or disappointment so your thoughts are heading in a better direction again and your energy can shift. At the other end of the scale, if you really want to crank up your energetic vibration, why not focus on turning your enthusiasm into passion!
The Emotional Guidance System doesn’t say you should mask or try to control what you’re feeling around the clock. You want to know what you’re feeling and how you are vibrating. Instead it is helping you to recognize what it is you are actually feeling, and what direction that thought is taking you.
Print out or save the image above, or write the list of feelings down somewhere so you can become familiar with them. Put it some place that you look frequently, reminding you to check your feelings. This shouldn’t become something you are obsessive about, or you’ll find yourself down the bottom of the scale ‘worrying’ about what you’re thinking all the time!
That sounds way too exhausting!!
Over time you’ll become so familiar with your own feelings and vibration that you will intuitively know which direction you’re heading and what you can do to make a shift. Pay attention to what feelings come up for you in the day and just allow them to be. Sadly, a large part of society is currently encouraging people to try and hide their feelings by numbing them with pills and other means.
This is crazy!! They are your guiding signals!
If you only ever deal with the effect and fail to treat the cause, the problem is never really solved anyway. Become comfortable with your feelings and what they are telling you. It’s ok to feel overwhelmed or scared at times, this is all just part of living on the physical plane. Attempting to avoid these feelings won’t fix anything. Just see them as what they are, indicators of your current vibrational state. With this knowledge you are instantly in a stronger position to move yourself to a better frequency. The Emotional Guidance System is a brilliantly simple tool that you can use anytime and anywhere to identify and shift your energy.