Why You Should Celebrate the Crap Moments in Life

Why is it that people never celebrate the crap moments in life? Sure, they can feel like hell at the time, and most of them you’d like to avoid repeating, but once you get far enough away from them and can let go of the emotions you’ve attached to them, there is usually a valuable lesson that you’ve gained from the experience.
Are you someone that tends to revisit the past in your mind on a regular basis?
When your mind wanders back there, what memories do you like to pull out? Are you going back to find reasons to feel sorry for yourself, to search our past victories for some inspiration, to remind yourself to keep blaming or hating on someone, or to find all the reasons why you’re a total failure.
If you’re heading back in time just to dwell on the past, then your wasting time and keeping yourself stuck.
However, if you are searching your mind for lessons that can help you move forward in life, the process can have some real value for you. Instead of looking at what happened to you, approach your memories by asking “what did I learn from this?”
Celebrate the crap moments!
When you do look back on your life, take the time to marvel at how far you’ve come! Look in wonder at the obstacles you’ve overcome and the problems you’ve dealt with and treat them as an achievement. Tap into any victories and special moments in your life and use them to keep you feeling inspired and uplifted in the present moment.
It’s so easy to be caught up in day to day life dealing with whatever is demanding your attention the most. Making time to acknowledge and celebrate your own growth is so important. While you may give attention to major milestones and occasions, many of the moments that truly shape your life can quickly pass by never to be thought of again.
Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting you go and get stuck in the crap moments for any great length of time.
If they’re still fresh or raw wounds, it might be too soon. What I am saying is that when you reach a place where you have release the emotional charge attached to the memory, turn the experience around and use it to your advantage. Take the power away from the past and use it as a source of strength to move forward.
Everyone has a story inside them. You have experiences and events that have impacted where you are right now in life. So let’s celebrate the crap moments. What did you learn from the partner that cheated on you, what did you learn from the long term illness you attracted, what did you learn from the investment that didn’t pan out, what did you learn from the friend that talked shit about you behind your back, what did you learn from the failed marriage, what did you learn from dropping out of school, what did you learn from losing a loved one, what did you learn from the car accident.
So, what’s your story? What defined you?