Whether you realize it or not, all day long you’re affirming what you want in your life with the words you say and the thoughts you choose to think. Not sure about you, but there are lots of things that pass through my mind each day that I definitely wouldn’t want to experience as my …
7 Steps to Getting Clarity on Your Goals
If you’re getting average results in life, chances are you lack clarity on your goals and what it is you really want. You probably have dreams in different areas of your life, but maybe you’re jumping back and forth between them and never giving them focused attention for any real length of time. …
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Self-Improvement or Shelf Help?
So you've bought just about every self-improvement book known to mankind and gone through them all with a find tooth comb looking for that one missing link that is going to turn your life around, make you rich beyond your wildest dreams and bring you more happiness than you ever thought possible. …
Are You Living Out of Alignment with Yourself?
Ever felt like you’re really off track in life but you’re unable to find an obvious cause for feeling this way. It could be that you’re living out of alignment with yourself and the inner values that you unconsciously hold. Many people reach that point in their lives where they just know that …
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5 Ways Your Unconscious Habits are Sabotaging Your Success
Have you ever stopped to question whether your unconscious habits are sabotaging your success? So much of what we do each day is on autopilot and we act without any conscious thought in just about every area of our lives. If you’ve been busting your arse to achieve success in any area and feel like …
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Gain Confidence by Escaping Your Comfort Zone
One of the most effective ways to gain confidence is by escaping your comfort zone. This may sound a little counterintuitive at first. Surely taking baby steps and easing your way into something would be safer and build a stronger foundation you’re probably thinking, but this isn’t the case. If …
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