Ever wondered when the best time to do affirmations is? I’ll let you in on a little secret. There’s no such thing as the perfect time to do them! Being in a high vibe state makes it easier to connect with your affirmations. For instance, imagine you’re affirming that losing weight is easy. Now …
Decide to Follow Your Bliss
Follow your bliss is a beautiful quote from the inspirational Lisa Nichols. But it is so much more than just a nice, warm and fuzzy saying. You can use this simple statement as a compass, a quick and easy way to help you recognize whether you are on or off track in your life. Say it out loud to …
How to Use Affirmations for Money Abundance
Creating affirmations for money abundance is a great way to help you strengthen your changing beliefs. When you are starting to change the way you think about money, it’s important to reinforce your new beliefs as often as possible until they have become habits of thinking. One of the keys to …
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What is Your Money Mindset?
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have the midas touch when it comes to their money mindset and financial situation, yet others seem to barely make it by week after week? Is it that they have better jobs? Is it that they were blessed with the silver spoon? Is it that they are just …
How Can Creative Visualization Help Me?
Have you ever wondered exactly what creative visualization is, and how it could help you? Sometimes the most simple actions can have the most powerful results, and this is definitely the case with this technique. When it comes to mastering your own mindset, learning creative visualization is a …
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Law of Attraction Success Stories
People are always fascinated with Law of Attraction success stories. Some people use them as a source of inspiration, some people like to pick holes in them and try to discredit them or find other reasons to explain the results, and some people find them overwhelming and out of their reach. How do …