How Can Creative Visualization Help Me?

Have you ever wondered exactly what creative visualization is, and how it could help you? Sometimes the most simple actions can have the most powerful results, and this is definitely the case with this technique. When it comes to mastering your own mindset, learning creative visualization is a valuable addition to your tool kit. This is a process that you can use anytime and anywhere to actively start creating the results in your life that you want.
Creative visualization isn’t new, it’s been around for many years and used by people from all walks of life. Some of the ways that people use this process include to improve sporting performances, to increase their receptiveness to living a more abundant life, to achieve business milestones, to shift their views on money and even to improve various areas of health.
One of the best pieces of advice that can be given in respect to creative visualization is to focus on one area at a time. When it comes to getting results with this technique, you’ll find it much easier to adopt the practice and to notice your skill improving if you just choose one area to work on in the beginning. If you’re jumping from one area of life to another all the time you won’t be gaining as much momentum.
While we’re on the subject of focusing, there is one more thing that’s essential when you practice creative visualization. Clarity. Like any of the processes that you can use to give instructions to your own mind, none of it is much use if you don’t know what you want yourself! Getting clear on what you want from the beginning is essential.
There is no one best way to visualize, you need to have a play with this technique and see what feels best for you. The easiest way to approach it is to think from the end and picture yourself already having the specific result you’re seeking. This is why having clarity before you start is so important.
Let me share a personal story of how I used creative visualization when I was hoping to get a particular job. I’d get myself into a relaxed state and feeling good energetically, then I’d close my eyes and start to see myself pulling in to the carpark at the this particular job. I’d get out of my car and then walk through the building, saying good morning to other staff as I headed in to my office to start work for the day. I’d pull out my chair and put my handbag in the drawer and grab my coffee mug to get a caffeine hit to start the day. Yes, I got the job, surprising myself and probably a few others!
Did you notice in the example that there was no mention of ‘how’ I was planning on getting this job? One thing that I’ve learnt over the years is that the ‘how’ is none of my business. These days I leave it out of the equation all together! Just really tap into your own feelings when you practice your own creative visualization and stay focused on the end result.
Last of all, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you if you’re unable to see actual pictures in your mind. This is really common. Just persist and keep telling yourself the story in your mind of the outcome you want, even if the screen of your mind is completely blank! Having a movie in your mind playing in technicolor splendour is great, but if all you’re watching is a black and white photo slide show, or just telling yourself the story, that’s fine too. Using any of these creative visualization processes can be effective.