Have you ever had affirmations fail to work, or even bring you the opposite of what you wanted? I have, and so have plenty of others. By going back and looking at the affirmations objectively, it can be really clear why they have not worked, and once you recognize where things have gone wrong you …
Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work
Often I hear or read people claiming that law of attraction doesn’t work and that it’s a load of rubbish. Well, I disagree. Hear me out. We all have different expectations in life, some more reasonable than others. We all have different levels of faith and believe in different things. This is …
My Experience with ‘The Secret’
I remember vividly the night I first watched ‘The Secret’. To this day I have no idea why I happened to be watching television that night as it wasn’t something I usually did, or how I managed to tune in to the first ever screening of ‘The Secret’ in Australia. Truth is, it doesn’t matter. We were …
Stop Manifesting What You Don’t Want!
So you know you create your reality and that your thoughts and feelings create your life, so why do you keep manifesting what you don’t want? Maddening isn’t it? You beat yourself up for knowing better, go back and re-read one of the many books on your shelf explaining everything in detail or go and …
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7 Basic Steps of Intention Setting
As the end of the year approaches, it’s a great time to start intention setting for the new year. So what is intention setting? Well, to me it’s the process of setting expectations for the new year, or whatever period you choose, and deciding what outcomes you intend to manifest in that time …
You Create Your Own Reality
You create your own reality. Slap!!!! This statement will probably piss a few people off or cause them to defend their blame list, I’m used to this reaction so knock yourselves out. But, reality is that you’re responsible for everything in your life today - the good, the bad and the …