What is success? Everyone seems to be chasing success, but what actually is it? Some make it sound mysterious and virtually impossible to come by, others make it sound like the reward for putting in the hard yards 24/7, some see it as an elusive dream or a reward reserved for just a select few. …
Stop Being A Victim
Some of you may think I’m a total bitch for what I’m about to say. That’s fine. I can live with that. Lately I’ve been indulging in spending way too much time reading shit on social media, to the point that what I’ve been reading has really pissed me off. Actually that’s not a strong enough …
How You Can Feel Happier Right Now
If you’ve ever wondered how you can feel happier then you’re definitely not alone. Stop and look at the people around you, listen to the conversations they’re having, watch their body language and their facial expressions. From what I can tell there seems to be a hell of a lot of people on this same …
It’s All Your Fault!
It’s all your fault! Life not working out how you hoped it would? Maybe your health has gone to shit, your marriage is on the rocks, you don’t have many friends, you hate your job or you’re struggling to make ends meet. There’s a common denominator in each and every one of these …
So, you’re not clear on what you want
If you’re not clear on what you want, how can you expect to manifest anything specific in life? Time and time again I see and hear people claiming that the Universe hates them, or that it’s just bad luck, bad genes, bad timing, bad marriage, bad job, bad choices, bad whatever. If you find …
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Why You Should Celebrate the Crap Moments in Life
Why is it that people never celebrate the crap moments in life? Sure, they can feel like hell at the time, and most of them you’d like to avoid repeating, but once you get far enough away from them and can let go of the emotions you’ve attached to them, there is usually a valuable lesson that you’ve …
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