Best Time to do Affirmations

Ever wondered when the best time to do affirmations is?
I’ll let you in on a little secret. There’s no such thing as the perfect time to do them!
Being in a high vibe state makes it easier to connect with your affirmations. For instance, imagine you’re affirming that losing weight is easy. Now when do you think making this statement would feel better, when you’re out on a walk feeling the sun on your face and enjoying the moment, or when you’re trying to drag your ass out of bed at 5am to get on the treadmill?
Think the answer is pretty obvious!
Of course it feels better when you’re already in a positive mental state or doing something pleasurable. This doesn’t mean that it’s pointless to do affirmations when you’re in a funk. Quite the opposite. Using your mantras at this point can actually help you to shift your energy and raise your vibration. This is a good thing all round.
Different affirmations can be effective at different times. Just running through them by rote is probably not the best process. Not to say that it’s ineffective, but using affirmations with a little more structure can help speed up the process of attracting what you want into your life.
Imagine that financial freedom is your ultimate goal, and each day you spend time affirming that this is so. How do you feel when you receive an unexpected bill? What if it is huge and you don’t know how you will pay it? Do you have that sinking feeling in your stomach, does the situation feel hopeless or are you just plain old pissed off? Maybe you don’t feel any extreme emotion and figure you’ll worry about it later. We’re all different.
Knowing how you’d feel in this situation, how effective do you think the following affirmation would be?
“I am wealthy”.
Say it a few times, imagining you’ve just received a bill for $5000 and you don’t have the funds to pay it. Chances are, you feel like you’re telling yourself a big, fat lie. Your body is feeling tense and there is a real tightness in your chest. “I am wealthy”. Yeah right. You don’t believe a single word you’re saying right now. The vibe you’re emitting is probably the complete opposite of what you’re saying.
Now instead of trying to jump ten steps with a single affirmation, why not take a smaller and more effective step.
Try this instead.
“I always meet my obligations”.
“My bills are always paid”
“There’s always the option of payment plans”
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”.
Notice the difference you feel when you say something more believable?
At times of stress like receiving unexpected bills, the Pollyanna way can cause you to feel even more hopeless and lose faith in your ultimate dream. If you shift your attention to a stepping stone along the way instead, the jump seems much smaller in your own mind and definitely more believable.
Knowing that you could work out a payment plan to deal with the debt is going to bring much more relief and assurance than telling yourself that you’re wealthy when you feel anything but that! By keeping the faith, you maintain a higher vibration and this often helps for problems to dissolve themselves in unexpected ways.
So while there really is no best time to do affirmations, they can be more effective if you’re in a more positive energetic state. Sometimes finding the words to shift your state can be a powerful process, then you can get to work on affirming your ultimate dreams and desires.