Are You Living Out of Alignment with Yourself?

Ever felt like you’re really off track in life but you’re unable to find an obvious cause for feeling this way. It could be that you’re living out of alignment with yourself and the inner values that you unconsciously hold. Many people reach that point in their lives where they just know that something is missing, or that they want more in life or that they desperately need to find their true purpose. This is a clear signal that the current life you are leading is out of alignment with the vision you have for yourself within.
Let’s celebrate, this is a good thing!
If you’re unaware of the disconnect within yourself, you’ll probably do nothing to resolve it. By feeling out of alignment you have discovered that you’re not following your true path in life, and best of all you are now in a position to do something about it.
So what can you do to get back on track? Well one of the best places to start is by becoming aware of your own energy and feelings on a day to day basis, which is not something we are ever taught to do. If anything, society tells us to bottle this shit up, or worse still, bury it with pills, alcohol, drugs and every other kind of self-destructive behaviour to avoid dealing with the actual cause of our emptiness.
This is such a dangerous way to live!
Our emotions and feelings exist to give us feedback in life as to whether we’re on or off track. By masking them or ignoring them, how could we possibly know if we are living in alignment with our truest selves or not? Embrace your emotions, even the shitty ones that you so desperately want to avoid. They are sending you a signal and you need to be open to receiving it.
Track your results
As with anything in life, tracking your results will give you far more accurate data to base changes off of than if you just played the trial and error game. Your just throwing shit at the wall otherwise in hope that some of it might stick. Write down events or situations that occurred throughout your day and next to them list the emotion or feeling that they triggered. There is gold to be found in this! You might be pleasantly surprised or completely shocked by what you see, but of course this requires complete transparency on your part. You might be tempted to bullshit yourself or play down what has come up for you, but please avoid this at all costs. This won’t serve you, and you deserve the truth.
Make changes and keep on tracking
Like a rocket ship zig zagging into space, always correcting itself when it strays off course, you need to test your theories and measure your results. Has the change you made brought you closer to feeling in alignment with your true self, or has it taken you even further away? There is no magic here. The secret to success is to do the work on yourself. Ask yourself the hard questions, then answer them as honestly as you possibly can. Dig and dig and dig until you unearth what it is within you that is calling out for you to pursue. The more aligned you feel in your life each day, the higher your energetic vibration will be and the more good you will continue to attract.
Finally, listen to your instincts. Stop asking other people what they think you should do, stop listening to what other people are doing and get distracted by the shiny object syndrome. Every single one of us wants something different in life, and our versions of being in alignment are unique to us all. Find your inner passion, the thing that makes you want to jump out of bed in the moment, and leave everyone else around you to go in search of their own calling. By going to work on yourself, you will soon find that living out of alignment with yourself becomes a distant memory really fast.