How to Use Affirmations for Money Abundance

Creating affirmations for money abundance is a great way to help you strengthen your changing beliefs. When you are starting to change the way you think about money, it’s important to reinforce your new beliefs as often as possible until they have become habits of thinking.
One of the keys to creating effective affirmations is to take great care in the wording you use. If you are going through a process of dramatically changing your beliefs, then write them in a way that supports your journey. For example, if you’ve always struggled with saving money you could use
“I am releasing my resistance to saving money”
By wording it this way you don’t feel like a fraud if you’re yet to save a cent, and you’re not telling yourself a story that might make you feel like you’re being forced to do something you don’t really want to do. It’s a nice, gentle way to approach things.
If you’re building on existing beliefs about money, or any other area in your life, you can write your affirmations as if you’ve already achieved your desired outcome. If you’re wanting to attract an extra $10,000 into your life you could use
“I am so grateful for receiving a bonus inflow of $10,000 cash”
“I am so happy and grateful for the extra $10,000 income I have received”
If you like using the word “income”, ask yourself what it actually means to you. Many people associate the word with their job and it can have a negative meaning for them. If that’s how you feel about it, choose another word. You also want to avoid getting too specific on where the money will come from, just leave that up to the Universe.
When you first start using affirmations for money abundance, keep them small and easy to remember. This will make them much easier for you to start using. Simple is good. Once you’re comfortable and they feel natural, start to add to them. The initial affirmation is now already programmed into your subconscious mind, so adding to it gets easier and easier. Using the first example, you could add to it like this:
“I am releasing my resistance to saving money, and I am loving how good it feels to watch my net wealth continually increase”.
Now if you tried to remember all that in the beginning it might feel like too much. Before you know it, you’ve given up and this amazing free tool is going to waste. Go at a pace that feels comfortable for you with this. You can even keep them short and sweet all the time if that is better for you.
Using affirmations for money abundance is a fun and easy process that you can do anytime and anywhere. You don’t need any fancy equipment or even a quiet place to do them, and you can say them silently to yourself or out loud. Find yourself stuck in a queue at the shops, practice your abundance affirmations, waiting for your bus, repeat your money mantras to yourself. Make it a fun part of each day. No one will know what you’re doing!