7 Reasons Why You’re Attracting the Opposite of What You Want

A question I commonly receive is “why am I attracting the opposite of what I want”? Sometimes people take their results as a sign that law of attraction doesn’t really work. Others use it as a form of evidence to create doubt of their own beliefs. Truth is the law of attraction is at work all the time, regardless of whether you believe it exists or are using it consciously or unconsciously.
Here are 7 things causing you to attract the opposite of what you want.
Letting your current reality determine your vision
You are struggling to see past what its. Whatever your circumstances are right now, that is what you are allowing to dictate your future. While it can be easy to get stuck in this way of thinking and find evidence to support it, this does not have to be your reality. Forget what it is and make the time to creatively visualize what you want in your life as if it were already here.
Negative and limiting beliefs
Are you letting your opinion of yourself and your abilities get in your way? Are they even true? So many of the beliefs that we have about ourselves that we have carefully carried around with us all of our lives are total crap. Most of them were programmed into our minds without our knowledge or consent when we were too young to know any better. It is important to recognize that people didn’t intentionally plan to screw us up by giving us beliefs, they were doing what they thought was best at the time. Just recognize that you are allowed to dump them and replace them with new positive beliefs that support you and your dreams.
Trying to control the ‘how’
So you’ve discovered the Law of Attraction and have asked the universe for what you want. So now what? Are you compulsively digging up the seed you have planted to check what Is doing or are you trusting that everything will happen the way it is supposed to in diving time. Most people are reluctant to hand over the reins and let the ‘how’ take care of itself. If you wanted to do it all yourself then why did you try to actively use attraction to help you in the first place? Let go and stop trying to control the process and you may find yourself startled at the outcomes and the strange ways they come about.
Lack of clarity for what you want
What do you want? Sit down and ask yourself this question and don’t be vague or wishy washy with your answers. You want more money. No worries, will $10 be enough? You want a better job. Better in what way? You might end up with your dream job but it pays the lowest rates around. If you find yourself getting the opposite of what you want, chances are you lack clarity. The clearer you can be on what it is you want, and the more focus and attention you can give to that one outcome, the faster you will attract it.
Doubting it will happen
Have you ever found yourself wanting something incredibly bad, yet doubting it could ever be possible for you? This is a common trap that people fall into. They are clear on what they want and give the universe their request, yet follow it up with continual thoughts on why they can’t have it or don’t deserve it. There is a great book by Dr Wayne Dyer called “You’ll See It When You Believe It” which is well worth reading. As the title suggests, you don’t have much hope of attracting something into your life if you don’t believe it is possible to do so.
No emotion or feeling behind their wants
Feelings and emotion are the fuel of all dreams. When you think about your dream home that you are in the process of attracting, how does it make you feel? If you struggle to feel anything you may need to ask yourself if you actually want what you are asking for. Many people find themselves chasing the dreams and desires of other people in their lives to make them happy, while making themselves unfulfilled in the process. If a dream is your own and you truly want to attract a circumstance, person or object into your life, then shifting your vibration to one that is high and positive should be relatively easy.
Fear is the strongest emotion behind their wants
A caveat to point seven, negative emotions can also be powerful forces for attraction. For instance, say you are studying and to pass you have to sit an exam. You know your material inside out but you are absolutely terrified of failing. At night you fall asleep and all you can think of is that you may not pass. The day of the exam comes and you enter the room and your mind goes blank. You know that you have the answers but you just can’t seem to get them out of your head and onto the paper. You fail. You attracted exactly what you were giving your energy and attention to. If you feel strong negative emotions surrounding a desire, you may need to look at your why and approach your thinking from a different angle.
It is possible to attract what you want in your life and the law of attraction is real and always at play. If the results you are getting in life are not what you want, take the time to go through each of the above and determine what one is holding you back. When you can eliminate these blocks you will start getting what you want instead of attracting what you don’t want.