7 Negative Emotions Affecting What You Attract

If you have been indulging in negative behavior and your energy vibration is low, chances are you’re probably attracting situations into your life that are unwanted. Maybe you have had a number of items break or need repairs in your home out of the blue, you have been swamped with unexpected bills or your relationships suddenly niggly for no apparent reason. If this sounds like you, it is likely that you are experiencing negative emotions on a regular basis.
Here are 7 negative emotions that could be attracting your current problems.
Are they talking about you? Probably not. Even f they are, who cares? How much time do you waste being fearful of the opinion of others or worrying that you might make wrong decisions in life? Are you scared of failing, of becoming a success or of making a choice that someone, somewhere may disagree with. Reality is, most of the time your fears are only in your mind. When you are feeling fearful or worrying, your energy is at a low vibration. When you feel like this you can only attract circumstances and things that are vibrating at that same frequency. Fear tends to dissolve into nothing when we turn and face it front on.
Lacking faith in yourself or doubting that you can have what you want can lead to an unclear vision. If you find yourself constantly asking other people what they think or for validation of your decisions it is a clear sign that you are experiencing doubt. When you catch yourself behaving in this way, stop and ask yourself why you are feeling this way. Write it down and dig deep to find the root cause of your self doubt. When you continually display doubt you are sending the universe the message that you don’t know what you want and that other people know what is best for you. Clearly this is not true and not what you want
Does indecision plague you? If you can’t be clear on what you want, how do you expect to attract anything into your life that you want? If you find yourself feeling confused and uncertain on what you should do, stop and ask yourself what it is that you really want. Write it down in your journal and ask for guidance. Pay close attention to any intuitive feelings you experience as the universe tries to provide answers to your question. When you are clear about where you are going and exactly what it is that you want, manifesting your thoughts into reality becomes a much simpler and faster process.
Do you get fired up at the drop of a hat? Many people are quick to anger and this emotion does not serve you well. Apart from creating resistance and tension in your body, you are attracting to yourself more reasons to become angry. Beware also the slow building anger that may rise inside you. The longer you are carrying around this negative energy the more harm you are doing to your body and the more power you are giving to the feeling. Find a way to dump this baggage fast and take action to restore your energy to a higher vibration.
How do you feel when you hear that your friend has just landed your dream job, or when someone you dislike finds the perfect man? Are you happy for them or do you turn into the green eyed monster? Jealousy is one of the most harmful emotions you can feel. If acted upon, you may find yourself behaving irrationally and totally out of character. Ultimately your jealousy can only ever hurt you. If you find yourself feeling envious it is critical that you take real action to release these feelings or you will only attract more circumstances to feel jealous about.
When you are wronged or hurt by someone, how do you react? Do you let it go and move on with life or do you spend hours thinking of ways to get back at them? Maybe you sit and have pleasant thoughts of the universe conspiring against them to teach them a lesson. Either way, this is negative behaviour and is not serving you in any way at all. Is it really necessary for you to be the one who dishes out karma? Of course not. Stop putting energy into this type of thought, wish them the best and move on. Continually engaging in thoughts like this can only put you in a position to receive a dose of your own medicine. Let it go.
You determine your own self-worth. No one else’s opinion or judgement matters, only yours. If you have placed a low value on yourself it is time to ask yourself why. Anything that you have experienced or done in the past that is making you feel a lack of worthiness is gone. The past is history and the future isn’t here yet. All that matters is right now. Go and stand in front of a mirror and look yourself square in the eye. Be prepared to feel uncomfortable if you have never done any mirror work before. Repeat each of the following three times
“I am worthy of anything I desire”
“ I am perfect exactly as I am”
“I love you”
The last one may take some getting used to if you have spent considerable time beating yourself up in the past, just keep at it as the results will surprise you.
Take note of how you are feeling and the results you are currently experiencing in your life. If you are off track, pay close attention to your thoughts and feelings and see what negative emotions are coming up for you on a consistent basis. When you have identified it make the conscious decision to release it and improve what you are attracting into your life.