6 Ways Visualization Can Get You What You Want

woman dancing in field

Ever seen something so clearly in your mind that it felt real? Some call this day dreaming but it is actually a form of visualization. Most people do this in some form each day, usually without any conscious thought. Besides being a nice distraction, this pleasant past time is actually a tool you can use to your advantage. Sports professionals, celebrities and many other successful people have been using it as their secret weapon for years and creating amazing results.

Will keep this as simple as possible. There are two parts to your mind. The conscious mind is the one that you are aware of and have control of, the one that makes decisions and chooses your thoughts each day. The other is the subconscious mind, the processing centre that runs in the background carrying out whatever instructions you give it, plus running your body on autopilot, making sure your heart is beating and your blood is circulating.

So why do you need to know this and how is it going to help you? Well, your subconscious mind is basically just a processor and is not capable of thinking. It has no idea whether the thoughts and movies in your imagination are real or fantasy, it just acts on whatever information you feed it. This makes it an incredibly powerful tool for you to use to create results you want in your life. The best way to use this visualization process is to think from the end, let me show you what I mean.

What is an area in your life that you are wanting change in? Maybe you want to make more money, find Mr Right or lose a few pounds. Here are 7 simple ways you could use visualization to help you get what you want.

Show Me The Money

Before you even start imagining being surrounded by millions of dollar bills I’m gonna stop you right there. It is not the money that you want, go on say it. What you really want are the experiences and things that money can buy. Think from the end and picture how you will feel flying first class around the world or driving your new car.

Land Your Dream Job

Kick back in your corner office and look out the window. How does it feel now that you have your dream job? Picture the evidence that would exist if you really did already have your dream job.

Repair Broken Relationships

Had a blue with a girlfriend or co-worker? Visualize the two of you enjoying a coffee and chatting together, having made up and moved on. If you have a particularly painful colleague, imagine your workplace without them in it.

Meet the Man of Your Dreams

If you were with the man of your dreams how would you know it? Conjure up the feelings of being with the one you love and lying on the sofa together snuggling and talking. Make it as romantic as you like, just focus on the feeling of togetherness.

Find Something Lost

Feel the joy inside as you find that lost earring or other item that means so much to you. See it being back in your life and feel the gratitude of it having been returned.

Achieve Your Goals

Want that raise, then picture your payslip with your new much larger wage printed on it. Got a weight loss goal that is important to you, then visualize yourself wearing those skinny jeans that you know will fit like a dream once you have achieved your goal.

Use Visualization to get what you want

When using visualization, one of the most crucial areas to work on is the way you feel and the emotions you experience while doing it. If you sit there and think it is a load of crap and won’t work anyway, then that’s exactly what you will get. Sitting around having vague thoughts without any real desire or feeling behind them will probably not do much for you either.

But, if you can kick back and imagine being with your ideal man and actually feeling the love and connection as he holds you in his arms, this will have real power. If the man is not your thing, maybe feel the exhilaration of having an experience that you would love, or being able to spend money on something that is out of your financial reach at the moment. Feeling the emotions behind the desire is the key to successfully using visualization as a tool.

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