5 Ways Your Unconscious Habits are Sabotaging Your Success

Have you ever stopped to question whether your unconscious habits are sabotaging your success? So much of what we do each day is on autopilot and we act without any conscious thought in just about every area of our lives. If you’ve been busting your arse to achieve success in any area and feel like you’re getting nowhere fast, this could be where the problems lie.

Here’s 5 ways you could be creating blocks to your own success in life.

Talking without Listening

How many of you can think of at least one conversation today that was more of a one-sided affair than mutual banter? Annoying isn’t it. You can almost feel the other person bursting to unleash their response before you’ve had an opportunity to even finish a sentence, and you know in your heart they haven’t listened to a damn thing you’ve even said. This is something that many people do, though most of the time this behavior is completely unconscious. Next time you are in a conversation with someone, stop and really listen when they are speaking. Don’t use the time where they are sharing to come up with your next inspiring outburst, just listen. This skill will pay dividends beyond measure.

Assuming instead of Asking

Ever come up with a brilliant idea that you are so sure everyone needs – even if they’re unaware of it themselves? Then when it bombs, you’re left scratching your head wondering where it all went wrong. It is really easy to assume we know what other people want and to try and offer them a solution, but what if we’ve got it all wrong? Next time you think you know what someone is thinking, experiencing or needing, stop and actually ask them if you’re on the same page as them. This gives you the opportunity to see the situation from their eyes, and to then respond in a way that is appropriate and based on facts instead of guesswork.

Picturing Failure instead of Success

Our minds are incredible and the source of all of our successes – and failures. When thoughts of your goals and dreams come to mind, how do they make you feel? Do they leave you feeling a sense of despair like they’re out of your reach, or do they send your energy levels through the roof and get your creative juices flowing even more? You see our minds have no idea whether the pictures in our minds are something we are actually experiencing or just our imaginations at play. When we attach negative emotions and feelings to our desires, we send out a vibration that pushes away our chances of success. However, if we can create highly positive and uplifting energy every time we focus on our goals, our chances of turning them into a reality skyrocket.

Focusing on being busy instead of doing the right tasks

Your to-do list is a mile long and you feel like you’re on the treadmill going nowhere fast. Stop. Have a look at your list again and really take an honest look at what is on there. So often we create tasks which take up time and energy, but ultimately produce little if any results. By the time we finish the ‘busy’ side of our list, there is no time left to take action on the tasks that really matter. You know, the ones that actually create income, take you a step closer to your dreams or involve you getting out of your comfort zone. Yep, good old fear is often the real driver of you playing on the safe side of your to-do list and keeping you protected by being so busy. Ask yourself what you’re really scared of – then go face your fears!

Letting the Opinions of Others Influence your Actions

This at first might sound contradictory to our first point, but it is definitely not the case. Taking in information from the standpoint of researching or getting feedback is different to being swayed to take a course of action based on what another person believes you should do. We all have those well-meaning people in our lives who love to tell us what to do, point out every hole or flaw in our plans and dreams, and crush our confidence. These are usually the same people who have done fuck all with their own lives and take zero risk or responsibility for their own results. The only voice you ever need to truly listen to is the one within. That quiet whisper that becomes a loud roar over time as you trust in its wisdom more and more. You have all the answers within, you just need to believe in yourself.

unconscious habits sabotaging your success

If you can eliminate even one of these blocks, you can create massive shifts in the results you are experiencing when it comes to achieving your goals. This can apply in any area, your mind, body, finances or business. By taking an honest look at the unconscious habits that are sabotaging your success, you put yourself back in control of your life and can make choices or take actions that will make your dreams become a reality.





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