4 Steps to Creating New Beliefs Using Affirmations

Affirmations are a great tool for creating new beliefs. They are free to create and use, with endless possibilities for how you can word them and what you can use them for. Below is a simple 4 step process for creating new beliefs using affirmations.
Decide on beliefs you want to instil
What is it that you are looking to create in life? Pick the area of life that is causing you the most pain or frustration at present and decide on what specific part of it that you would like to change. Some common problems that people like to use affirmations for include their health, relationships, financial situation and career. When you have decided on the area that you want to create change in, think of the outcome you are seeking. If you are unclear you can still use affirmations to improve general wellbeing in your life, it is just better to have clarity and focus.
Determine what is preventing you from believing it now
Next step requires some honesty and soul searching. Ask yourself, why don’t I believe this now? This question will bring up the excuses and reasons that you offer for not having what you want in life. Many people get stuck in thinking that their past behaviours determine their future. This may be well and true if you don’t take any action to change things. But, if you make a conscious decision to change and create a new future, anything is possible.
Craft affirmations to release old beliefs
I am a big believer that the words no, not, can’t and don’t are to be avoided when writing affirmations. Your subconscious mind doesn’t register them and thinks that you actually want whatever follows. For example, I don’t want to be fat could actually attract you getting fatter. This one I have personally experienced! Here are a few ideas to get you started on crafting your own affirmations.
“It is impossible for my past to determine my future”
“The past is history and gone forever”
“Today is a new day and a new beginning”
“The only moment that matters is right now”
“My future is bright and I am excited at what it holds for me”
Craft affirmations to support new beliefs
You can write affirmations to support any new belief that you would like to program into your mind. If you are new to using affirmations, keep them small to begin with. As you grow more experienced or if you prefer to use longer ones, you can increase it to several sentences”. You can always add on to affirmations as they become familiar and have sunk into your subconscious mind
These are just a few examples of affirmations to start programming new beliefs in multiple areas of life to help you create your own.
“I create my life experiences”
“I can learn anything fast”
“My body is responding well to exercise”
“I am enjoying the taste of food more now that I am eating clean”
“I am open to creating multiple streams of income”
“My mind is open to the endless possibilities in life”
“I feel supported in my decisions”
“the universe has my back”
“my dreams can come true”
“I love people and attract like-minded souls”
Play around with your new affirmations and see how they make you feel when you say them. Whether you say them out loud or repeat them to yourself in your head is up to you. Try both and see which is most comfortable for you. Practising your affirmations in front of a mirror can be highly effective too, just push through any discomfort that you might feel when you first try it.
Would love to hear how you have used affirmations as a tool for positive change in your own life. If you have any affirmations that have worked well for you, please feel free to share them in the comments section below.