3 Words You Must Avoid When Using Affirmations

Your words contribute to the reality you create so it is critical that you choose them wisely. When it comes to writing affirmations there are three words that you must avoid using at all costs. These words, if used, have the power to bring you the opposite of what you want. You’d have to be crazy to be affirming and asking for everything you want to avoid wouldn’t you?
Here are a few statements for you to think about. When you do, what is the first thing you think of?
“don’t be late”
“don’t stare at him”
“don’t tell anyone”
“don’t think about red cars”
“I don’t want to be alone”
Hard not to think about the thing you are supposed to not be thinking about isn’t it! Our subconscious mind is unable to process the word don’t and only sees the object or situation that follows. There are plenty of ways to re-word affirmations to get the same result that you want without using it.
Let’s try another. When you read the statements below, what comes to mind?
“Not everyone can be happy”
“I’m not a fan of Brad Pitt”
“Could you not chew with your mouth open?”
“Not another bill”
“Do not go to McDonalds for lunch”
Bet you saw smiling faces, Brad Pitt, someone chewing with their mouth open, a pile of bills and the big golden arches of McDonalds! Right aren’t I?
Lastly the word no should be used sparingly. Preferably on it’s own when you are declining a request or offer. You know what to do here, read the statements and see what pops into your head.
“No worries”
“No one can tell me what to do”
“No one will turn up anyway”
“There is no other way”
“What if no one believes me?”
When using the word ‘no’ pay attention to the feelings that come up in you. It often causes a negative emotion to arise in you which is another reason it should be avoided.
Now that you know what words to avoid, go back and see if any of the affirmations you are currently using need re-wording. If you’re having trouble with re-phrasing them, feel free to ask for help in the comments below or follow the links to our social media pages and leave a message. More than happy to help you to craft something special. If this is all new to you and you’re just starting out, this will save you from heading down the wrong path by knowing up front the words you must avoid when using affirmations.