25 Affirmations and How You Need to Write Them

Affirmations are a powerful tool for attracting more of what you want into your life. An affirmation is a short, positive statement which declares or confirms a behaviour, circumstance, action or state of mindthat you would like to have in your life. They can also be used to re-affirm current states that you would like to maintain.
Daily affirmations have played an important role in many people’s lives and there are a number of great teachers on this subject. Two that have made a big impact for me and are worth your while to get your hands on some of their material are Florence Scovel Shinn and Louise Hay. The most effective way to craft an affirmation is to ensure that it either starts with or contains the words “I am”.
Here’s a list of affirmations to get you started and give you a few ideas on how to word them.
I am interesting
I am generous
I am love
I am compassionate
I am truth
I am blessed with everything I need
I am rich beyond my wildest dreams
I am so happy and grateful that I am now a multi-millionaire
The world is abundant and I am grateful for everything I receive
I am a prosperity magnet
I am perfectly healthy, inside and out.
I am healed
My body is a temple and I am grateful for it surrounding me.
Health is my number one value and I am committed to maintaining it forever
Being fit and healthy is a choice and I am both
I am happy
I am experiencing inner joy at all times
Happiness and I are one, I am unaffected by external circumstances
Inner bliss is always within and I am grateful for this
Happiness is a state of mind and I am choosing to be happy
I am surrounded by people who love and support me unconditionally
I am without judgement
When I judge others I am really passing judgement on myself.
I am accepting of everyone, exactly as they are.
I am appreciating the differences in everyone.
It sometimes helps too if it has a bit of a jingle feel to it. One of my favourites which I play in my head when exercising is:
I am fit, I am healthy, I am happy, I am wealthy!
Key with affirmations, as with anything in life, is the underlying feelings you have towards them. If you believe something is a load of rubbish, then that is probably what you will experience. On the other hand, if you believe that yours affirmations are acting as a powerful magnet, drawing towards you that which you are affirming, then success is much more likely to be yours.