What is Success?

What is success?
Everyone seems to be chasing success, but what actually is it? Some make it sound mysterious and virtually impossible to come by, others make it sound like the reward for putting in the hard yards 24/7, some see it as an elusive dream or a reward reserved for just a select few. Scroll through #success on Instagram or Pinterest or any other social media site and you’ll quickly realize that people everywhere define success differently.
Yeah let’s do that right now!!
This will be fun! So scrolling down the Instagram feed under #success we have about a billion different posts, all suggesting that success is something completely different to the last one.
First up, we’ve got one sexy looking Mercedes Benz with a ton of bling, thousands of likes (mainly from the blokes) and heaps of comments. Wow, there’s a shitload of expensive, crazy lookin cars in the feed posted to inspire us.
Ok, so I’ll need to upgrade to at least a Mercedes….
Who’s next? We’ll go with the woman who looks like she’s in her 30s taking a selfie. She’s clearly lost a stack of weight, feels great about her achievements and is sharing her journey with the world. And, just underneath is another woman lookin super sexy in her workout gear with a pretty impressive physique.
Well yeah I could definitely lose at least 50 pounds….
Next up is…. porn. Seriously??? Who would even post this shit on Instagram under #success.
Ok, back on track, now we have several pretty inspirational posts using similar fonts all aimed at the woman who wants to hustle. Until recently I thought they were talking about aerobics like we did at school as kids…. back then they called it the health hustle…. Man I’m out of touch! There’s also heaps of posts with well dressed women looking like total boss babes, ready to take on the world and make a stack of cash.
Maybe I could invest in some lipstick…
This is fun, let’s do just a few more.
Ooohhh!!! A jet! Yeah now we’re talking. Doesn’t every girl need her own hot pink jet? Well at least first class travel, right?
And, let’s not forget about the drool worthy blokes with their biceps on display… and their shoulders…. ok, I’m getting totally distracted here ha ha.
Can you see how totally different people see success?
We all have filters that reflect the world back to us. This means we can look at the same situation or event and see something totally different to the person standing next to us. Explains why people are always disagreeing about what is.
So what is success to you?
I bet your version of success is as unique as you are. That is exactly the way it should be!
Success can be getting two kids out the door each morning, dressed, fed and on time. Success can be climbing the corporate ladder and kicking arse at the top. Success can be having a vision for change and making it happen. Success can be getting your health and body in amazing shape. Success can be having a loving, loyal and fun marriage. Success can be staying single, travelling the world and never having kids.
If you’re trying to fit into a box or to what someone else is selling you as success, STOP!!
There are no rules when it comes to success.
Success is ultimately whatever you say it is.
Would love to know what success would be for you so leave a comment below!